Thursday, April 19, 2007
Show Your Your Feelings Part 1
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Alpha and Beta Are Different but Equal
I want to use this post go on the record as saying I do not have an opinion as to whether it is better to be an alpha or a beta. (Being on omega though is probably not good). There are advantages and disadvantages to both being an alpha or a beta. Different people are looking for different things in sexual relationships and understanding what you are looking for is essential to determine whether you want to act like on alpha or a beta. It is also crucial to know the differences to help look for the correct mate. Based on your preferences you can keep or change your behavior and you can also look in specific places for your lover. I may sound at times like I am advocating for either alphas or betas but what I am really trying to do is give you the best information if you do want to change or the best information for looking for the correct mate.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Alpha Male Case Study
As I previously stated there is really a spectrum with alphas at one end omegas at the other and betas in the middle. Most people do not fit neatly into one category. It is instructive to look at examples of people that do fit neatly into one category.
One example of a pure alpha male is John Tucker from the movie John Tucker Must Die. Here are his characteristics: he is the type of guy every women wants to be with and every guy wants to be. He is rich, attractive, and a basketball star. He often dates more than one women at once and no woman ever turns him down.
Some girls who were wronged by him want to get revenge on him. These girls first try telling everyone he has herpes but then he turns this around and becomes a hero for opening people’s minds to education on STDs. Then the girls try to give him hormones so that he will act more feminine. It then becomes the vogue thing for guys to show their feelings. He even gets caught wearing women’s underwear and then it becomes in fashion for every guy to wear women’s lingerie. He has everything an alpha has: if something goes wrong he makes it fashionable, he is unstoppable.
The thing that does eventually break John Tucker is he falls in love like a beta. The thing that will break an alpha is for them to start feeling. They do not know what to do with the feelings because they are not used to them.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Alphas Who Acts Like Betas
People want to be with alphas because they have an initial lust for the person but this attraction dies down when you realize that they have no depth. Betas have plenty of depth to them but you are not as initially attracted to them. Alphas who act like betas you have a lust for and have depth. They have it all. Unfortunately these people are few and far between so it is harder to find them: they never have a problem finding a partner and they stay with their partner once they find them. If you do catch one of these diamonds in the rough make sure to hold on.
For questions comments or concerns email me.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Beta Turned Alpha Females
Freakonomics brings down the different things that get responses on dating sites. For men if they have a high paying job, a great education, or a tall stature the adds get more responses. For women whether or not they get a response is highly based on looks – based on the picture and description of being good looking.
This teaches an important lesson. In beta to alpha males I discussed that if a man gets a job that is high paying they will get more of a response. This is the only thing that matters to women that is easy to change for a man. For a woman it is very different. Looks are very important to women are relatively easy to change through dieting or surgery. When a beta looking female changes her looks she will get a lot more attention.
The difference between guys who become alpha via money and women who become alpha via looks is that women get all the benefits of the alpha. They can now with better looks find many more men to have sex with them. Men with more money have an easier time getting the date but a harder time getting to bed.
This is not to say that the only thing that makes a women alpha is looks. A woman who has an outgoing demeanor, is funny, and/or known to get around can have subpar looks and still be an alpha. With women though to be an alpha looks do matter and even without changing personality a woman can become alpha. A man who changes his looks can not become a true alpha without changing his personality. Also note that betas who in the past came to want the emotional connection are not going to get more emotional connections by changing their looks. They can have more sex but sex does not equal emotional connections. In fact in women this extra sex can actually hurt them emotionally because they will find it hard to remain detached from their sexual hookups.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Beta Turned Alpha Males
Beta turned alpha males is a group of males who spent a long time as betas but then because of certain circumstances had things happen and they now are better classified as alphas.
The typical situation is like this. You have the beta who has moderate success with women but is not hooking up all the time. Then the beta gets an education/job which makes them more attractive: they become a lawyer or doctor. Now the beta has an easier time picking up women. The problem is this beta is not truly on alpha. They only have one characteristic which makes them more attractive. Therefore this beta turned alpha will go trying to hook up more but because of the lack of the other alpha characteristics they will not be able to sleep around like an alpha. The reason that women are more attracted to this person is for an instinctively beta reason: wealth. The reason women are attracted to an alpha is lust and money and stability are not lustful reasons to be attracted to someone. Therefore this group of beta turned alphas would do better using there status to find a better wife than to try and sow old seeds.
There is a group of beta turned alphas who learn the alpha skills. There are many out there who actively seek out ways to talk to women better and treat them in an alpha way. These men have actually become alphas and are hard to distinguish from actual alphas.
For questions comments or concerns email me.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
This post discusses omegas continuing on the expansion of the basic theory of relationships which explains all aspects of sexual relationships including: why you are attracted to who you are attracted to, why people get into the relationships patterns they do, and the long term ramifications. Go and read from the beginning to get the full picture.
Omegas are a different breed of people. Omegas never have sexual partners at all. Omegas are homogenous and the same whether male or female so are dealt with together. These people have a reason for being single. Sometimes that reason can be fixed with a little bit of ease, see the makeover shows that are flooding TV. It is easy to make someone more desirable when it is just a matter of minor appearance problems. This is the idea of chick flicks where a dork is turned into the most popular person in school. This is not the average omega though.
The real omegas who have problems are the ones that have no substance to them. People are attracted to others who have things going on in their life. If someone is 45 and still working at Burger King it is likely they do not have much to offer the general dating community. Omegas can get better a little at a time. Start reading books and the newspaper more. Learn a useful skill. Fix any social miscues. Try to get a good job. After awhile omegas will become more desirable. The problem with omegas is that they often do not recognize that they are omegas. They will ask “How come I can never find anyone, I go out but never get asked out.” The thing is they can not find anyone because they are not desirable.
Future postings will ignore omegas to a certain point because of the presumption that they do not take part much in the relationships scene. It is crucial for people to be honest with themselves though. If you are an omega you need to take steps to starts making yourself a more desirable match. With proper steps omegas will find new attention flocking to them.
The next posting will deal with the hybrid beta turned alpha.
For questions comments or concerns email me.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Beta Males
This post discusses beta males continuing on the expansion of the basic theory of relationships which explains all aspects of sexual relationships including: why you are attracted to who you are attracted to, why people get into the relationships patterns they do, and the long term ramifications. Go and read the beginning to get the full picture.
Beta Males like beta females do not have random sex and do not hook up. Unlike beta females most beta males would rather be alpha males: betas would rather be able to sleep around at will and see that lifestyle as exciting. Beta males usually lack the skills or game to make moves on women which would allow them to have sex at will. Since betas do not know where there next meal is coming from they need to figure out a way to keep a woman once they catch them (therefore ensuring constant meals while they can hold on). Beta males are more likely to be dating a woman for months before sleeping with them because the lack of game that makes it so they can not sleep around at will is still there even when they find a woman who does like them. Women are more likely to be only moderately attracted to a beta at first only to have that attraction grow very intense over time. The challenge for betas is getting the women to like them at first.
Beta males like beta females grow so good at relationships over time that they end up settling down and getting married. Since betas are good at relationships they usually end up forming permanent, stable, and loving relationships.
The next post will be on omegas.
Want advice based on this theory? Email me.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Beta Females
This post discusses beta females continuing on the expansion of the basic theory of relationships which explains all aspects of sexual relationships including: why you are attracted to who you are attracted to, why people get into the relationships patterns they do, and the long term ramifications. Go and read the beginning to get the full picture.
Beta Females for some reason do not hook up or have random sex. Instead beta females get into long term relationships. There can be many reasons that beta females get into relationships rather than hook ups. For a large portion of beta females they lack something making it so they can not attract enough males to have random sex regularly: they may not be as outgoing or as attractive at their alpha counterparts. Other beta females would just rather be in relationships then be constantly hooking up. Females unlike males are often just drawn to more stable relationships then men.
A result of beta behavior beta females get very good at forming meaningful relationships. They learn what it takes to make a good relationship through practice. Beta females learn to make the best of the good times and work through the tough times. Beta females also learn how to deal with their emotions in a mature way. Eventually, since beta females get good at long term relationships, beta females are able to hone what they want in a man and they end up settling down and getting married. Beta females are likely to be married and in a happy relationship at a relatively young age (23 to 28) due to the relationship practice that beta females have. Also, due to the extensive experience in relationships beta females tend to end up in more loving, supportive, and equal marriages. Beta females will be attracted to beta males for the most part because beta males are looking for the same things in relationships. Other times beta females are initially attracted to the alpha male which causes problems because the alpha male may be more attractive when first meeting but will not fulfill what the beta female is looking for in the long run. If a beta female gets into a relationship with an alpha male it is unlikely to last long.
The next post will be on beta males.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Alpha Males
The alpha male is the guy who can go out and sleep with girls basically at will. The alpha male does not necessarily have 100% success rate because there are to many external factors that are going to effect the alpha male's success rate. The alpha male does know that after spending enough time out at a social gathering he will be able to find an attractive women, seduce her, and sleep with her. Men get less attached in general with women so the alpha male often sees these sexual encounters as just that and have little or no attraction afterwards. Even if alpha males get into little mini-relationships after the first hookup these are usually sex driven so that they only last as long as the sex is good which is usually not long.
The alpha male will rarely want to settle down at an early age because he has his pick of the sexual crop. Evolutionarily guys want to have sex with as many women as possible so the alpha male sees little advantage to settling down. Alpha male's motivation for acting the way they do is rarely solely because they are afraid of relationships (which is often the alpha female reason for her behavior). Males are just programmed to want lots of sex so if it is available to them they are not going to seek something else.
Alpha males do get lonely after awhile though. Alphas will eventually seek out more meaningful relationships. The problem is that like the alpha female the alpha male will have little experience creating and maintaining meaningful relationships. Since it is usually much later in life when the alpha male decides he should settle down this lack of "emotional knowledge" is sometimes difficult to deal with. There are those who ignore it get married quickly and reject it. There are also those who go through many relationships never figuring out how to form the long term relationships they should have been learning to form earlier in life.
There are also those alpha males who never really settle down. Even at an older age these alpha males can still get many, usually younger, women at will. With this constant flow of sex they stay unmarried and uncommitted for a lifetime.
The next post will be tomorrow night on beta females.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Alpha Females
By popular demand I will go into more depth with how each type of person works.
Alpha females are girls that are attractive enough and outgoing enough where they can sleep with a guy almost any day of the week just by going out to a bar or club. These girls have figured out that men are not so selective in who they sleep with. Alpha females know that by showing a guy a little interest he will pounce and make a move on them.
Alpha females may have many motivations for their behavior - they may think they don't have time for a relationship so they fill the void with random hookups, they may think they love the sex but just do not want the bag of a relationship, or they may have just like controlling guys the way guys try to control girls. Usually this behavior really stems from a deeper problems the alpha female had in earlier years: the lack of a strong male figure while they were growing up, sexual abuse, or a boyfriend who really broke them. A lot of times the excuse the alpha female gives for her behavior is not the actual motivation. Though she may say "I have to much going on with work/school etc" she really may mean "I am afraid to commit to a relationship because I have some past that has turned me skeptical/afraid of the opposite sex.
The problem with the alpha female is she never gets the satisfaction she is seeking. Sleeping around just does not do it for women. Nor do short term post sleeping around "relationships".
Alpha females include girls who get into many relationships for short periods of time. These are the type that are never single but never in a long term relationship. This stems from a girl who knows what she wants and knows she can get a guy at the drop of a hat. With the confidence that she can get a new guy at any time she has little incentive to stay with a guy who is not perfect. This of course creates unrealistic expectations. These expectations may subconsciously be far to high because this variety of alpha female who does not just use her status to hook up (but to also get into short term relationships) is an alpha for the same controlling reasons as her promiscuous counter part.
Every alpha female is different requiring a specific plan of action. If you are an alpha female and are finding that you are not getting the satisfaction you desire you should try lowering your expectations, not sleeping with guys you have just met, and giving relationships a chance to grow.
If you are an alpha female who wants more specific advice for your situation email
The post tomorrow will be on the alpha male.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Overview - General Theory of Relationships
There are three types of people in this world. Alphas, betas, and omegas.
Alphas are the type of people who can get laid whenever they want. If they go out they attract people. These people are attractive and they know it.
Betas have many attractive attributes but they are not alphas so they can not get someone whenever they want. Betas often just lack some skill making it harder for them to meet people or advance relationships into being romantic.
Omegas lack a lot of things and find it hard to ever get into a relationship.
Of course there are not really alphas, betas, and omegas. Really people fall somewhere in a range where alphas are at one end omegas are at another and betas are in the middle.
So a pure alpha is a 10 a pure beta a 5 and a pure gamma is a 0. Most people fall somewhere in between but I will use the alpha/beta/gamma notation for ease.
The general characteristics of the groups are as follows:
Alphas are not good at staying in relationships. They always know that they can get their next “meal” by simply going out and meeting someone new so they have little incentive to stay in a relationship if things are not perfect.
Betas get good at staying in relationships. They are not sure where there next “meal” is coming from. Therefore once a beta finds someone they want to make sure they hold on to what they have so that they can make sure they can continue to have sexual gratification.
Omegas are not good at getting into relationships. If they find someone they do not have enough good characteristics to keep the other party interested.
This is the basics of the theory. I will be developing the theory more in future posts.
Other future posts will be case studies so that you can see how this plays out in the real world.
The reason this matters because it effects who you are attracted to and what type of relationship you end up in. If you are unhappy with the relationships you are in then you need to start recognizing who you are and what you expect. Then you can look for the people who will give you what you desire.
If you would like personal relationship advice based on this theory email Comments and criticisms for the theory are also welcome.
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