Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Beta Turned Alpha Males

This post discusses beta turned alpha males continuing on the expansion of the basic theory of relationships which explains all aspects of sexual relationships. Make sure to stay caught up to understand all aspects of relationships.

Beta turned alpha males is a group of males who spent a long time as betas but then because of certain circumstances had things happen and they now are better classified as alphas.

The typical situation is like this. You have the beta who has moderate success with women but is not hooking up all the time. Then the beta gets an education/job which makes them more attractive: they become a lawyer or doctor. Now the beta has an easier time picking up women. The problem is this beta is not truly on alpha. They only have one characteristic which makes them more attractive. Therefore this beta turned alpha will go trying to hook up more but because of the lack of the other alpha characteristics they will not be able to sleep around like an alpha. The reason that women are more attracted to this person is for an instinctively beta reason: wealth. The reason women are attracted to an alpha is lust and money and stability are not lustful reasons to be attracted to someone. Therefore this group of beta turned alphas would do better using there status to find a better wife than to try and sow old seeds.

There is a group of beta turned alphas who learn the alpha skills. There are many out there who actively seek out ways to talk to women better and treat them in an alpha way. These men have actually become alphas and are hard to distinguish from actual alphas.

For questions comments or concerns email me.

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